Purpose of Site Characterization
NRC has been critical of the number of samples taken during initial characterization surveys. Use of TruPro® technology allows for far more samples to be collected in a shorter period of time. Because of the enclosed vacuum system there is a less chance of cross-contamination during collection and handling (material contained in filter). This provides better Quality Controls.
TruPro® methodology is used for the radiological characterization of contaminated area, concrete slabs, walls of nuclear power plant containment units and of nuclear process facilities as required by NUREG-1700, Standard Review Plan for Evaluating Power Reactor License Termination Plans as real and credible defensible data matters.
NMNTI’s TruPro® Patented Technology, concrete / metal sampling and profiling tools, provide a superior smarter solution and approach to concrete or bulk material sampling and analysis to the traditional methods of concrete or metal sampling using a wet or dry coring machine or robots. The primary objectives of radiological characterization are to:
- Provide a basis for survey unit classifications
- Provide a basis for identification and distribution of contaminants
- Provide a basis for the lateral and vertical extent of contamination in soils, concrete and systems
- Evaluate the variability of radioactivity
- Evaluate neutron activation of concrete
- Provide sufficient data to determine waste streams
- Provide sufficient data to guide remediation planning/selection of technology
TruPro® Accelerates Facility Clean Out and Demolition by:
- Eliminating Historical Unknowns;
- Minimizing Life cycle Risks, Applying Creative and Innovative Real-Time Deployable Solutions;
- Implementing Effective Sampling and Characterization;
- Identify Program Risks for Problem Areas Enhancing PM Approaches and Principles;
- Ensure Adequate Radiological Controls of Work Areas;
- Improve Site Upfront Understanding and Planning;
- Better Allocate Resources, Raw Materials & Highly Skilled Labor.