Operational Description for the Nuclear Reactor Core & Hot Cell 

TruProid®Sampling Station Machine



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Acceleration of the pace of sampling and characterization at the IO site will require a program of effective and focused action; one that is paramount to a safe and economically viable facility operation and decommissioning program strategy.  IO needs to establish preliminary radionuclide quantitative data of the content and radioactivity of components and materials of the reactor block and activated and tritium contaminated components.  NMNTI has developed insitu portable tools for the assessment and radiochemical analysis of redundant nuclear buildings and the disposal of nuclear process wastes to meet Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC).

NMNTI can access the activated waste level volumes of the ITER internal metal components by implementing the Hot cell sampling and profiling tool in conjunction with an in cell robot automated sampling head TruProid® By physically acquiring the material samples from the Activated Waste proposed sampling locations the envisioned risks of sampling are demonstrated to be surmountable and in most material interfaces probably easily with robust rugged drill bits retrieving samples hermetically. Each sampling material and depth has a unique set of radiological engineering concerns and sampling logistics and with the envisioned Hot cell TruProBit® hollow sampling head to collect and retrieve and produce a set of representative samples with radiochemical profile of the activated tritium contaminated waste component.
