Advantages of sampling via TruPro® versus core boring
Advantages of TruPro®
- Rate of sampling, 90 inches in 90 minutes or 17 working days v 55 working days ;
- Cheap and timely quantitative analysis of radionuclides of interest using portable infield instrumentation and radioanalyses;
- Minimal sample turnaround time, approx. 10 to 20 minutes;
- Highly strategic, directional and focused sampling regime to areas of concern maximizing manpower and financial resources;
- No secondary wastes just sample; no airborne particulate and no water/oil used
- No subsampling of cores;
- Keeps operator dose As Low As Reasonably Achievable;
- Complete Containment of drill cuttings and fugitive tritium;
- Representative sample and quality from bulk materials where the baseline method cannot retrieve high quality representative samples;
- Varying masses of sample;
- Reduced chances of cross contamination of samples;
- Increased safety due to less hand on exposure to physical hazards and waste contaminants and;
- Sampling incrementally to depths of up to 6 meters.
- Smaller holes (1/2” v 3”) means less potential for fracturing concrete or encountering re-bar or tendons
- Increased safety due to less exposure to physical hazards (less weight and no requirement for bolting drill to surfaces)
- Reduced project cost and better defensible actionable data
- Reduced dose due to less time in radiation fields as shown below
ALARA Considerations Implemented by Utilizing TruPro® Patented Concrete Profiling Technology
Under Vessel Area 5 sample locations Average Dose Rate: 300 mR/hour
TruPro® Concrete Profiling
12 minutes/location x 5 locations = 1 hour in area
0.3 rem/individual x 2 = 0.6 rem total
2 hours/core x 5 cores = 10 hours in area
3 rem/individual x 3 = 9 rem total
An RWP is required for this work
Work would be denied (wait until vessel/source term removal)
TruPro® Site Example
Concrete sampling using TruPro® technology
Lighter weight – no bolting required – magnetic available.
Typically uses hollow ½” drill bit
More narrow bit is more likely to miss re-bar/tendons
Does not need water to cool. System is air-cooled
Vac system collects dust into baggies in increments
Duration for Sampling using TruPro®
25 minutes per sample location
12 sample locations per day
17 work days to collect 185 sample locations
Plus 5 days for analysis time
Work Crews for Sampling via TruPro®
1 NMNTI Drill Operator at location
1 NMNTI Support Individual (sample Chain of Custody)
1 Radiation Protection Technician