Analytical Data Validation

In all hazardous site investigations, it is essential to know the quality of the data used for decision-making purposes. The process of generating data of known quality begins in the planning stages when the data quality objectives (DQOs) are established, continued during sample collection activities and laboratory analysis, re-evaluated when validating the analytical data and is finalized as part of the data quality assessment process.

Data Validation includes assessment of the whole raw data package from the laboratory and preparation of the Data Validation Report. The criteria used for evaluating the data are those outlined in the analytical methods, the QA/QC Objectives presented in the “Quality Assurance Project Plan”, USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review (EPA 540/R-99/008, October 1999), USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Data Review (EPA 540-R-01-008 July 2002 and National Functional Guidelines for Chlorinated Dioxins/Furan Data Review, USEPA Analytical Operations/Data Quality Center (AOC), EPA 540-R-02-003 August 2002.

Purpose of Data Validation
The importance and the purpose of data validation is to identify "analytical error" and to make final determinations about the overall usability of the data for a project and to ensure that the measurement system (field and laboratory) meets the users’ needs.

In order to perform data validation, certain quality control (QC) checks and analytical procedures must be performed in association with the analysis of the samples. Examination of the results of these checks and procedures allows the trained validator to determine the analytical quality of the data in question. To provide data of known quality, the data validator should:

  1. review the data package to ensure that it contains all the required documents and forms,
  2. assess the results of all QC checks and procedures, and
  3. examine the raw data in detail to verify the accuracy of all information presented by the laboratory.
