Characterization of SONGS Units 2 & 3 N.P.P With Collection of Samples from the Reactor Containment Buildings, Auxiliary Building, Concrete Slabs, and Containment Walls
The objective of the Facilities Project was to deploy a concrete sampling and profiling tool developed and deployed by New Millennium Nuclear Technologies International, Inc (NMNTI; Lakewood, Colorado, USA) to SONGS Units 2 & 3 NPP Site facilities. The site's concrete slabs and structures were to be sampled, radiological analyzed and profiled, at numerous locations in support of cost-effective waste minimization and safe removal of contaminated material for the SONGS Units 2 & 3 NPP EnergySolutions Decommissioning Project. NMNTI maximized the potential to dynamically characterize the stockpile of uncontaminated recyclable concrete and steel volumetrically prior to the demolition of the concrete buildings and slabs using TruPro®.
Profiling the concretes of the nuclear site areas and radiological buildings to depth included the following desired capabilities and design features of the equipment: (a) powered by a facility electric supply coupled to 100-foot power cables, (b) removal of approximately 1300 concrete samples from 360 locations, (c) remove 0.5 inches, 1 inch, 2.0 inch, 4 x 0.5 inch and 4.0 inch, 2 x 2 inch from predetermined sampling points and 2.5 inches. 1 x 0.5-inch and 2 x 1.0-inch incremental depths of potentially contaminated concrete from predetermined locations, each location screened for rebar(d) collection of all concrete as particulate from sampling operations into specialized filter units and (e) produce representative samples in a powdered form for optimal counting by a portable gamma spectrometer in the onsite lab. The site-wide successful sampling campaign is achieved by accessing highly constrained containment contaminated areas and high radiation areas swiftly and profiled surgically enhancing ALARA principles and eliminating volumetric concrete historical unknowns.