Characterization of Vandellós 1 N.P.P Caisson Reactor Using TruPro® Technology

NMNTI obtained samples from the concrete and metal subsurface materials and analyzed these samples in close proximity to sampling operations.  The purpose was to provide the necessary radiochemical fingerprinting to properly identify and quantify radiological activation product activities of concretes and metal in cross sectional profile at the Vandellós graphite-gas N.P.P. Unit 1 located at the Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radioactivos S.A. (ENRESA) Reactor Site ENRESA Instalación Vandellós I, Hospitalet de L’Infant, Spain. 

The characterization of the caisson ascertained the quantities of activated and non-activated materials of the reactor caisson.  NMNTI and ENRESA designed and performed the project using radiological and conventional safety as the paramount driving factor to move the characterization effort forward, utilizing detailed planning of characterization methodologies aimed at minimizing risks to people and the environment. 

The infield characterization of the concretes and metals involved analysis of target radiological contaminants including H3, C14, Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, and the speciated gamma nuclides.  Characterization at depth within the concrete matrix in near real time provided support for the evaluation of activation waste levels for the concrete and allowed for immediate identification of activity concentration and increased worker safety awareness.  By utilizing portable calibrated gamma spectrometers and Liquid Scintillation Counters the analyses were performed in close proximity to sampling operations in the low background vault of the reactor building.
