The following expressions of satisfaction from NMNTI’s clients are excerpted from letters and emails.
"Thank you for your support of our power block concrete characterization campaign throughout the powerblock and balance of the plant of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Unit 2 and Unit 3. The system worked very reliably for a sustained effort collecting thousands of samples over the duration of this phase of the project. This work scope was successfully performed during a global pandemic and the staff adapted to the unique constraints presented. We doubtless saved significantly in time and expense by selecting your company’s expertise and technology over self-performing the work. We wish you continued success."
Dale Randall, CHP
LT/FSS Technical Manager
“The TruPro® system has been demonstrated to function effectively and efficiently on both commercial and Federal remediation projects in many states. Projects range from large (>1 acre), outdoor, snow-covered, muddy open-slab areas to deep, thick foundations (15’ deep, 8’ thick). Sampling of in-situ pits of radioactive waste and waste drum sampling are other direct pending applications. The general goal in all of these was to identify and confirm the extent and types of vertical “at-depth” contamination. The end-use of this information can be used to both identify hidden “hot” areas of contamination requiring special worker protection or to confirm the absence of contaminants. I strongly recommend use of NMNT’s TruPro® system.”
Scott Altmayer, PE/Project Manager, Ashtabula, Ohio
“Thank you for your support on the University of Illinois research reactor characterization project. The speed and easy of the TruPro® technology and your willingness to work dynamically with our sampling needs was amazing. When compared to traditional core boring, TruPro® is not even in the same league. The concrete samples you provided were high quality and ready for analysis in on-site instruments eliminating the usual time-consuming sample preparation. I look forward to working with you in the future and once again taking advantage of TruPro®’s unique features.”
Kevin E. Taylor, PE, CHP, U of I Characterization Project Manager, Scientech
“I am writing to commend you and Mr. Grant Charters for the work you have performed on the Gateway Mill Site Characterization Project, which Carter & Burgess is conducting for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Mr. Charters worked incredibly hard, long hours in tough conditions during the two-week period without complaint. In summary, New Millennium Nuclear Technology exceeded my expectations in both the field and office portions of its assignments. I will gladly recommend New Millennium Nuclear Technology to any prospective client.”
Craig R. Gander, Senior Project Manager, Carter and Burgess
“I would like to commend NMNTI for the work done at the University of Illinois Nuclear Reactor Laboratory during the period of July 18-20, 2005. The flexibility of your drilling methods and rapid analysis were extremely valuable in assisting with our site characterization. I appreciate the "can do" attitude of your company and willingness to change course as our objectives became more defined by the immediate results. Thank you again. I would heartily recommend your company and its services to others.
Richard L. Holm, Reactor Administrator, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne
“This letter is a recommendation of the drill/sampling technology of NMNTI. My experience with NMNTI has been very successful. As a vendor to my organization, NMNTI has provided their sampling technique as a service. The task was completed by NMNTI with no radiological personal protective equipment, using only standard industrial safety gear. In so doing, the characterization helped save my organization approximately $500,000 by avoiding the cost of a fully-contained robotic demolition of the entombment that had been planned. I heartily recommend NMNTI’s technique for the tough, hazardous, or otherwise demanding sampling jobs.”
John T. Gill, Advisory Engineer / Fellow CH2M Hill Mound, Inc. Miamisburg, Ohio
"NMNTI was contracted by PPG to validate the analytical data in the trial burn report. NMNTI did a very good job in validating a very difficult and large set of data that that was generated from the trial burn. The checklists for the QA/QC requirements for each analytical method and deficiencies uncovered for each analytical procedure were very helpful.”
Billy Salter, PPG, Team Leader, Louisiana.
“The work was completed satisfactorily in a timely manner and was thorough. NMNTI maintained excellent communication with us during the contracts.”
Richard Hughes, TCEQ, Project Manager, Texas.
“The S.M. Stoller Corporation thanks you for the support you provided to us on the Colorado School of Mines Research Institute Site Characterization project. The on-site laboratory you ran analyzed over 1200 soil samples for Ra-226. Our clean-up goal was 4.1 pCi/g, and the analytical results generated by your on-site lab for these samples correlated well with off-site laboratory confirmations. The overall quality of your results combined with technical support you provided to the project resulted in a complete success. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), as well as our client, the Colorado School of Mines, are very pleased with the processes used and the outcome of the project. Stoller would recommend your company for future work, and we look forward to working with you again soon. “
Steve Brinkman, S.M Stoller, Project Manager, CO.
“I would like to thank your team for their support on pursuing development of a core sampling system for the Demonstration Bulk Vitrification System (DBVS) In-Container Vitrification (ICV) box. I appreciated the "can do" attitude of your company and speed of which the conceptual design was developed and prototype equipment built. The information learned during the equipment mock-up demonstration at your facility was very valuable. The speed and ease of your technology was a dramatic improvement over our existing sampling system. The glass samples you provided were high quality and ready for analysis. I look forward to working with you in the future.”
Michael McKinney, DBVS Project, CH2MHill Hanford.
“Following NMNTI’s intervention in France, EDF is pleased to confirm the interest we have for your technology, TRUPRO that we tested to characterize the STE building on our Brennilis site in April 2008. The speed to retrieve and analyze the 280 collected samples, associated with your experienced team, indeed allowed us to measure the advantages brought by this technology which adapts its progress to the results obtained in real time. This operation supplied data which has already enabled us to find a more reliable strategy to dismantle this building. Thank you for the daily commitment you gave for the success of this operation.”
Gilles Pellenz, Project Manager, EDF France.
“Thank you for your support on the Active Liquid Waste Tank #2 Characterization work. The TruPro® system offered an excellent remote technology to replace other manual methods for sampling of wastes. The integrated patented hammer-drill sampling and vacuum capacity system allows remediation or D&D projects to sample, collect and analyze hazardous, radioactive or toxic materials in a closed, negative pressure environmental at incremental depths. The general goal in this project was to gather information as per the contents of the tank and the TruPro® system was able to supply samples for analysis as well as complete an impressive conceptual model of the tank contents. This is a truly unique feature for projects with historical unknowns. NMNTI's expertise was truly evident during development of the conceptual sampling design and its implementation in the field. I appreciate the "Candu" attitude of your company and willingness to change course as our objectives became more defined by immediate results. Thank you again and I would recommend your company and its services to others.”
Meggan Vickered, Project Manager, AECL Canada.
“ENRESA's experience with NMNTI of Lakewood, Colorado, USA, has been very successful. ENRESA's deployment of a cutting edge surgical characterization approach increased our confidence in characterization data and thus eliminated historical unknowns. The characterization tasks were effectively accomplished for representative subsurface sampling and radiochemical characterization and profiling at depth using TruPro®" with particulate capture from within the reactor caisson of graphite-gas N.P.P. structure The characterization of the caisson ascertained the quantities of activated and non-activated materials of the reactor caisson. The safe technical approach, in conjunction with TruPro® was found to be highly functional and adaptable to the specific project requirements. I thoroughly recommend NMNTI‘s characterization services for the deep sampling and profiling of nuclear reactor concrete and metal caisson components.”
Francisco Madrid Garcia, Project Manager, ENRESA, Spain.