Field Analysis & Why it Matters

Value is added by NMNTI performing the radioanalysis in conjunction with rapid sampling and profiling to redirect sampling operations in real time thus better allocating resources of time and materials to resolving high radioactive activation and migration boundaries therefore maximizing waste volume segregation and sampling work effectiveness.

A suite of radiometric portable instruments and expert radiochemists to perform in-situ measurements with real-time results in order to amend the sampling scheme .

Samples will have been dispensed and sealed within the counting containers ready for analysis.   Samples are counted on the portable calibrated radiometric detection instruments comprising a suite of alpha, beta, and gamma detectors.  Samples as received from the field will be counted in no particular order but will be prioritized for samples not requiring longer gamma counts to achieve low MDA’s.  The instruments used are as follows:  An ISOLO, Oxidizer with Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) and an HPGe Gamma Spectrometer.
