The Characterization of HIFAR using TruPro® Technology at ANSTO
NMNTI obtained and analyzed 96 discrete samples from the concrete and metal subsurface materials. The purpose was to obtain powdered concrete and metal samples towards the necessary radiochemical fingerprinting to properly identify and quantify radiological activities of concrete and metal in cross sectional profile at the HIFAR located at ANSTO HIFAR Reactor Site, Lucas Heights, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. The sampling and characterization of the bioshield concrete and internal metal ascertained the quantities of activated and non-activated materials of the activated facility and was of the utmost importance to allow effective segregation of building material for recycling the concrete and steel and identifying total mass of activated and contaminated waste material to comply with Australian radwaste exemption levels.
All of the retrieved activated graphite, metal, and powdered concrete, and inner tank wall samples were measured quantitatively by ISOCS and LSC in close proximity to the sampling site for gamma radionuclide activities of interest, specifically Co-60 and Am-241, H-3 and C-14 in near real time.
The final characterization report defined the tasks successfully accomplished for representative subsurface sampling and characterization at depth using TruPro® with particulate capture within the ANSTO HIFAR Bioshield metal concrete structure.